Music is a vital part of worship at FBC. We have opportunities for service for almost all ages. If you have a desire to serve God through music, we have a place for you.
We have choirs for children ages 3 years through 5th grade which meet weekly during the school year. In addition, we have a children’s handbell choir for grades 4 and 5. There are opportunities for each of these choirs to lead in worship several times each year.

Symphony of Praise, 2023
We have a very active youth choir that meets every Wednesday night during the school year for rehearsal. Youth choir performs for the church during Sunday morning worship several times throughout the year. This choir also takes a week-long tour somewhere in the US each summer to minister to those in nursing homes by singing songs of hope and love.
We also have a youth handbell choir, which rings in worship several times each year.

Youth Choir Tour, 2023
Our sanctuary choir leads Sunday morning worship each week. In addition, this choir, along with our youth and children’s choirs, presents concerts twice each year, accompanied by a professional orchestra.
We also have several ensembles from the choir which sing in Sunday morning worship several times each month.

Symphony of Praise, 2022
If your church is planning an adult Christmas musical, please let us know date and time. Thank you.
Does your church promote and sing Hillsong and Brthel music?